The Dynamic Energy Landscape in Eurasia: Global Treats to Energy Security, Regional Challenges and Opportunities

About the conference The organizing committee The organizing committee Sections Paper formatting Deadlines Contact Conference materials / Abstracts



1. When authors send their articles by registering on they must indicate the conference section they belong to.

2. When sending a thesis to the conference, the following information about the author should be noted:

• Title of the article,

• author's full name (surname, first name, patronymic),

• scientific degree and name,

• workplace, position,

• email

• the section number and name of the conference are presented in electronic form.

3. The article must be submitted in English only. A short summary (max. 300 words) and keywords (3-5 numbers) should be given.

4. The article should be prepared in MS Word program in A4 format (left and right - 2 cm, top and bottom - 2.5 cm), Times New Roman font size 12 pt, 1.0 line spacing, and leaving 1 cm indentation in the text.

5. The article should be prepared in the following order: title of the article - in the middle, capital letters, bold font, 6 pt interval at the end, the full name of the author(s) - in the middle; author(s) place of work, city and country - in the middle, 6 pt space at the end (if the authors represent different organizations, the name of the author and the organization is numbered with a superscript), e-mail address.

6. Bibliography: the name of each cited source is numbered according to the order in which it is used in the article, without translation.

7. Tables and pictures are numbered in the article: table - above the table, from the right (eg, Table 1.), picture - below the picture, in the middle (eg, Fig. 1.), and the text part (from above and below) is displayed by leaving 1 empty line.

8. Mathematical expressions are compiled with the formula editor (Equation) of the MS Word program. Only formulas referenced in the text are numbered. The formula is written in the middle of the line, and the number is written in parentheses on the right.

9. The article should be submitted in one-column text format and should be 6-10 pages in length.

10. The article should be prepared in accordance with the rules of drafting in the appendix. Rules and article templates are attached.

11. The selected articles should be prepared according to the requirements of the specified journals.

12. An author can be the main author of only one article.

13. The participation fee is 30 Azerbaijani Manats for Azerbaijani citizens and 30 US dollars for foreign citizens.
